Going the distance

Frederic Glorieux over zijn trainingsmethoden, doelen & Innerme als onmisbare voedingsbron!
Innerme: IMFrederic Glorieux: FG IM: Dag Frederic, we zijn blij eens een wielrenner te interviewen onder onze ambassadeurs! FG: Aha, dat werd tijd zou ik zeggen, want veel fietsers kennen Innerme nog niet hé? IM: Dat klopt Frederic, en het aantal getrainde fietsers...
Dirk Baelus wint Iroman 70.3 Knokke 2024 in zijn age-groep!
Innerme: IMDirk Baelus: DB IM: Dirk, fantastisch, winst in je age-group op de Iron Man 70.3 van Knokke! Gefeliciteerd! DB: Dankjewel, ik ben er naast supertevreden ook wel fier op. Zeker gezien de wedstrijd in België plaatsvond, geeft dit een extra erkenning! Een paar jaar terug...
Groot succes op de Olympische Spelen van Parijs — Innerme roeiers!
Olympische prestaties Innerme atleten Parijs 2024!
Tim Brys over voeding & succes: De sleutel tot Olympische prestaties.
Tim Brys over het belang van de juiste energiebronnen innemen.
Frans Claes looks back at 5 years of collaborating
The role Innerme played in achieving my results over the past 5 years should not be underestimated.
Cancia Leirissa (55) swims for eight hours on Innerme
A few years ago Cancia Leirissa got the idea to swim across the IJsselmeer. Good for a distance of 22km! To train for this challenge, the Rotterdam native joined a swimming club. Sports nutrition could also not be missed. Discovering...
“Innerme was my last step towards a plant-based lifestyle”
In 2016, Kristof Gregoire completely changed his lifestyle. After a burnout, he decided to move to Gran Canaria with his partner, where he became a mountain bike guide and focused further on his passion: marathon mountain biking. Kristof needed sports nutrition for his many rides, but the classic products caused him digestive distress. Kristof discovered the Innerme range through Frans Claes. Read more about his experiences with Innerme and how it affects his lifestyle.
Eric Grim, marathon runner and cyclist: “Finally I found sports nutrition that I can tolerate”
Eric Grim has been running marathons for about fifteen years and is also an avid cyclist. He suffers from various food allergies, which doesn't make it easy for Eric to find the right sports nutrition. With Innerme Eric found a range of products his body accepts.
My Flandrien Challenge ‘fueled by Innerme'
59 iconic Flemish (cobbled) bergs and pavés spread over 3 suggested stages, that is the Flandrien Challenge. Dieter took on the challenge and glue the 3 stages together to conquering the entire route in one single stage and within 72 hours.
Tour des Alpes – A battle with the Alps for a good cause
With Innerme in their water bottle and on their road bikes, Toon, Anton and Ben crossed 2004 km of the European Alps in two weeks - good for more than 45000 meters of elevation gain. They undertook their journey to raise funds for Rondpunt VZW.
Guy runs the Marathon Des Sables on Innerme
A few weeks ago, Guy Van den Branden towed the start of the Marathon Des Sables with a backpack full of Innerme products that gave him what he needed daily to successfully complete each stage. Read his entire experience here!